ShaunSocial 1.2 official release


We are extremely excited to inform you that Shaunsocial 1.2 has been officially released. This new version brings you significant improvements including Ads plugin, Membership plugin, Chat plugin improvements, eWallet plugin improvement and many other small improvements.

Besides, we also focused on fixing many bugs discovered from the previous versions.

Here are the details

Added plugins


Create a new post: 

  • Show progress bar when uploading video
  • What’s new status box UI improvement

Message plugin: 

  • Added option to delete “chat room”
  • Added mini chat box at footer of the website
  • Added option to attached file to a post
  • Removed “Message” menu from admin panel
  • Added option to allow member to send fund directly thru chat box

SEO improve for pages and profile page


  • Add the sub-menu into “General Configuration” menu for admin to easy to navigate and find settings for each plugin
  • Mass fund transfer option for admin to transfer funds to any users
  • Admin section for ads plugin
  • Admin section for membership plugin

Below are some importance notes for the new version:

  • New versions are available to download at client area
  • Mobile apps are not fully compatible with version 1.2 yet. Don’t upgrade if you have apps also. 
  • ShaunSocial cloud: Ready to upgrade. Contact us to request for upgrading. 
  • Rest api is updated at 
  • DO NOT upgrade your live site and app until you have a full backup of your site’s files, database and have successfully performed a test upgrade on your development (test) site first.
  • Suggestions and bug report, please share at

We do provide upgrading service, please purchase the service here if you’re interested


ShaunSocial Team