See how ShaunSocial can revolutionize your community!

Mzee mnyama

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
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  • in reply to: Main Email Template File #1603
    Mzee mnyama

    They don’t reply here I don’t know why they created this forum and they can take 3years to give response

    in reply to: Future Build recommendations #1593
    Mzee mnyama

    Are you planing to add moderator user group?
    We can give our team some access over members without making them super admin to even modify system. Like this moderator his permission can be check reported posts/users and take action. Delete any comment or posts or ban any users, this should be shaun core features not a plugin my suggestions

    in reply to: Feature Ideas #1581
    Mzee mnyama

    Last but not least, provide a developer API so that other website owners can utilise any of the Shaun platforms to allow their users to quickly register and provide basic information like their name, email address, and DOB. This will increase the Shaun market. When a new user wishes to join up, the example site can utilise the open id for Shaun. He will be directed to the Shaun site where he has authorised and used their api.

    in reply to: Feature Ideas #1580
    Mzee mnyama

    Can you introduce plugin also for user Monetization and since shaun is unique make also plugin for user to make money from there uploaded videos according with the impression of ads we will add In there videos and u can put different logarithmic for us admins to determine how much he make randomly this will be huge for shaun because none of the script in the market has this feature and vast ads to show ads at the beginning of video or middle or at the end or both and we can give the digital creator to choose where ad to be shown and this ads support platform built in ads and html. What do you think and this plugin can go @over $100

    in reply to: Feature Ideas #1579
    Mzee mnyama

    Admin what do you think about creating music page where user can upload and stream and can also monetize there song and make money from the platform and those songs can be used on stories and only pages can upload music and only verified can make money from there songs being used instead of using Spotify api and benefit them. This should be a plugin and not going for less than $100 is it possible and if yes please consider it I’ll be the 1st one to buy

    in reply to: Chat #1496
    Mzee mnyama

    Real time messages 📌

    in reply to: Groups #1495
    Mzee mnyama

    Please let us upload 20_30sec story videos

    in reply to: ShaunSocial 1.2 official release #1482
    Mzee mnyama

    Something like whatsapp last seen the time u see the person last open whatsapp

    in reply to: ShaunSocial 1.2 official release #1481
    Mzee mnyama

    No user last seen is when the person u chatted with visited the site

    in reply to: ShaunSocial 1.2 official release #1457
    Mzee mnyama

    We need user last seen in future updates

    in reply to: crypto payments getaways #1436
    Mzee mnyama


    in reply to: Features to consider: #1425
    Mzee mnyama

    Sending emails only when someone recieved a message can’t be spammed if they don’t want they should block to receive a message but if they chat meaning it’s not bad getting email us soon they got reply.maybe in posts etc can be spam but not in chats. Consider it and make it we us admin decide

    in reply to: Features to consider: #1421
    Mzee mnyama

    Hi Please consider sending auto emails when someone recieved a message in chats or mentioning instead of visiting the website to see.

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)