Roadmap (last update 18-feb-2025)
Roadmap is very important to help our clients understand ShaunSocial’s development direction to be able to plan the development of their own social network. Regularly, we try to release a new version every two months. Each version will include some important new features, fix bugs of the previous version and improve current features based on suggestions from the team and clients. Below is the general roadmap, please note that this roadmap will be updated regularly based on customers’ opinions and actual needs. We only have specific plans for the version under development.
Version 1.0 – Done
- ShaunSocial core features for both WEB and Mobile apps.
Version 1.1 – Web package is ready to download. More details here . Apps is In progress and will release at 1.2 version
- Ewallet: Ewallet is a tool that allows users on your site to deposit money, withdraw money and use money in their wallets to perform online transactions inside ShaunSocial platform. The ewallet’s currency is set by admin and admin can set the conversion rate to fiat currency.
- Pages plugin
- Fix the found bugs from version 1.0
- Improved core features follow suggestions from clients.
Version 1.2 – released – more details here
- Ads plugin: Is plugin that allows admin to sell ad to members. Ad can be targeted by location, gender, hashtag….
- Ewallet improvements (Send mass credits from admin to members, send credits when chatting thru chat plugin…)
- mobile app 1.1 that include new features from 1.1 version
- Monetization: Membership (recurring membership)
- Fix the found bugs from version 1.1
- Improved core features follow suggestions from clients.
Version 1.3 – Release, more details here
mobile apps 1.2 for core 1.2 version – Released here- Monetization (Membership, …….) – continue adding more option for site owner to monetize
- Groups (pin post in group)
- Polls
- Reels/short videos
- Share and play the youtube/tiktok link directly inside Shaun
- Feed views count
- Photo + gif comment
- Post privacy
- Set warning content for a post
- replies of comment – should show “oldest to newest”
- Export user to csv
- Profile fields at sign up setting to allow admin to enable/disable DOB, gender and Location at sign up form.
- Fix the found bugs from version 1.2
- Improved core features follow suggestions from clients.
Version 1.4 – in progress – 30-Apr-2025
- Mobile apps 1.3 for core 1.3 version – 80% done.
- Video stories
- 2 Factor Authentication
- paystack payment gateway for Africa client
- Google translation option to post to allow to translate content posted by user thru google api
- Announcements/Pin to top for profile, pages and home page
- Paid content
- Push notification from browsers
- Classified ads (Marketplace)
- Phone verification sign up step
- Invite only mode
- Site map for SEO
- Voice recording when sharing post or sending message
- Fix the found bugs from version 1.3
Version 1.5
- Web 3 integration
- Monetization (Membership, paid content….) – continue adding more options for site owner to monetize
- Group chat
- gamification feature to keeps members coming back for more with incentives for earning points, moving up levels, and unlocking rewards.
- Live streaming – integrate with – charge member per minutes
- Audio/video call – integrate with – charge member per minute, video quality and number of views
- Fix the found bugs from version 1.4
- Improved core features follow suggestions from clients.
Version 1.6
- Monetization (Membership, paid content….) – continue adding more options for site owner to monetize
- Fix the found bugs from version 1.5
- Improved core features follow suggestions from clients.
Version 1.7
- Events
- Login with QR code (for apps only)
- Monetization (Membership, paid content….) – continue adding more options for site owner to monetize
- Fix the found bugs from version 1.6
- Improved core features follow suggestions from clients.
and Suggestions from clients need to be considered
- AI integration
- Paid plugins from 3rd. More details here
- Option to remove the message logs in admin panel. More details here
- *blurr adult content for underage or for users who are not interested or completely block them because of adsense and playstore policy. ADDED
- *Sponsored ads and feeds *sponsored pages and groups. *blurr adult content for underage or for users who are not interested or completely block them because of adsense and playstore policy. *contents border radius 12px, *Shared contents border radius 0 0 12px 12px, *Reels(fullscreen) *sponsored feeds/ads appear between stories, and reels. *Random trending posts suggestion on home feeds *Show posts to user based on country, search history, *Backlaze storage *Fastpay storage *Mpesa payment *Weather plugin *Live sports(Live score) with notifications plugin *Games. *Random emails notification/reminders like you are being missed, New posts since your last login, Somebody you follow as just followed 5 people. *Post views counter *Posts analytics *Budges with different colors e.g for celebs, politicians, NGO e.t.c *Market place. *Question and answers sections. *App store section *Image filters -> more details here
- Reel plugin
- DigitalOcean Space storage service – ADDED
- monitoring system must be added to the videos and images uploaded by the user
- Brute Force Detection
Enable brute force attack detection, System will block the user account if hacker try to login with invalid password too many times to guess the correct account password - Censored Words Enabled (Censored Words)
- Crypto payment gateways
- View count + play youtube and tiktok video directly. Suggestion from here. ADDED
- Ads: can target multiple location. Suggestion from Ronald Kenyatta
- Sign up fields: should has option to hide/show/set required for basic fields like location, gender and DOB. Suggestion from Ronald Kenyatta ADDED
- Add “active xx ago” under user name . Suggestion from Ronald Kenyatta
- post link should be randomly number not exactly post number easy for people to see how many post are there this leaks site info
this is 1087 Posts in this site. Suggestion from Ronald Kenyatta
- add auto spam features like limited comments per day, posts limit per and likes limits or follow day etc
- should not see the option to report our own posts DONE
- User to be able to register on site using mobile number with verification using twilio etc make that option available in admin
- it will be cool
if on search user can see his/her search history including profiles
- online security, member data security – suggest from Mikel
- Add the possibility that when the user enters the account, a message will appear in the chats that a device has entered the account. Add the devices section so that the user can manage the devices in the account, more details here
- adding audio uploads see here
- More here
Have an ideas in mind and want to share with us? please contribute here